Tuesday 30 August 2011

Twit Manners (just a quick one)

The social arena of Twitter is like any other.  It has it’s rules and rituals, and if you want to be popular, you’ve got to play the game.  If you don’t want to be popular then it doesn’t matter what you think, because noone likes you.  I’ll be able to tell you to fucking do one, and you won’t have any friends to go running to.  So fucking do one.

In an effort to spread some of my Twit good will, I’m detailing some of my observations on Twitter etiquette below.  So do what I say, because it’s rude if you don’t.  

If you’re not famous  - you’ve got to follow back.  Imagine you’re in a room, and everyone’s talking.  Then some gob shite starts talking really loud.  When you try to get in on the conversation, they just keep talking, like you weren’t even there.  You like the sound of that?  No! of course you don’t.  Don’t be bloody stupid.  So don’t do it to other people.
If you’re a celeb you can get away with it because people are always interested in what you’ve got to say, and don’t expect to talk to you in return.  
Also, if you’re a celeb, can you lend me a few quid?  I’ll pay you back, honest.

Reply to your @ list
Again, you’re talking to someone and they just don’t reply.  It’s just bloody rude.  And if you do it to others they might do it to you.  The Twitter will be full of people.....not talking to each other, but themselves.  That’s the way madness lies.

Don’t send me pictures of your cock
This is perhaps the most important one for me.  If I want a picture of your cock, I’ll ask for one.  So until that happens, keep the little fella tucked away.

Follow Friday
There is a tradition on Twitter.  Every Friday you use the hashtag #ff or something similar, and recommend your favourite followers.  This is abused almost every day.  To begin with, it’s follow Friday, not Monday, Tuesday, or even Thursday.  It’s an “F”......for Friday.
#ff on another day is like saying, “I would have had sex with you last week, but not today”.  It’s like sending a birthday card, the month after the birthday.  It’s like telling your boyfriend the kid wasn’t his, after he’s paid for it to go to university.
Plus, you shouldn’t do too many of these.  You remember that time your girlfriend told you she wasn’t a virgin?  Exactly the same as being one #ff in a cast of thousands.

Retweet from Twitter
Twitter is just one big numbers game for everyone.  Anyone who says different can’t get many followers, or just can’t count.  Twitter retweets give me the right Twit Horn.  You can see them flow nicely from your timeline, into your retweets list.  Oh but what’s that?  someone used TwitLonger, or even TweetDeck to retweet me?  Now it’s not in my retweet list?  What the fuck?  
There’s no sense of achievement unless it’s in my list.  It’s not going to turn into a worldwide trend, in the proper manner, otherwise.  Dammit, I need to see it in my list!!!!!
Don’t be a Twit Nazi
We fought 2 world wars to defeat the Nazi’s (one really but it’s not as impressive to say one world war, when everyone knows there was at least two).  So don’t be a bloody fascist when it comes to other Tweep’s Tweets.  
Tweeps have the right to free Tweet.  You get to say what you want, and they get to say what they want, on any topic.  If it’s good for you it’s good for everyone.  
The worst of all of the Nazi Tweeps is the one who threatens to unfollow you over what you said.  What’s that you’re going to unfollow me? No please don’t, I’ll feel so alone and vulnerable.  I may even cry a tiny little bit, from my eyes and everything.  Fuck off you fucking square.

Finally; be nice to people with Beards
Be nice to the Beard, thats it for that one.  If you can’t be nice to all bearded people, you can just be nice to me, to make up for your fascist behaviour.

Peace and Beard Love people......Peace and Beard Love.

Friday 26 August 2011

Darwin, His Mac 10, and Altruism

Right now I’m watching “The Beautiful Mind” - the story of John Nash, the great mathematician.  It got me thinking about how fucked we all are.  Stick with me on this, because it’s not obvious what I’m saying until much later.

A long time ago, there was man named Charles Darwin.  You’ve probably never heard of him.  He looked like Santa and was somewhat geeky.  So nobody paid attention to him.
In my mind I’ve reinvented him as a bastion of modern culture, to make him a bit cooler.  In my mind he is both Mace Windu and Shaft, yes, in my mind Charles Darwin is: Samuel L Jackson.

One day he published a few ideas about animals and how they reproduce.  Not many people read them, even though they told the story about how God invented everything. 

One of the very few people to read his stuff was named Herbert Spencer, who had something to say about Darwin’s theory.  Spencer didn’t have a beard and was therefore not as intelligent as Darwin, but the Sun even shines on a dog’s arse, and soon Spencer came a’calling for Darwin.  And Spencer had a bit of genius in hand.  In my mind the conversation (that never actually took place) went a bit like this:-

“Alright Darwin, how’s it going?”  Said Spencer.  Darwin was a bit irritated as he was in the middle of cleaning his Mac 10.  
“What the fuck, Spence?” Said Darwin, whilst stroking the barrel of the Mac 10, with almost paternal care.
“Yeah, your stuff on species and that?  It’s fucking shit.” barked Spencer.
“Oh aye, and how’s that then?” Said Darwin, confident that Spencer was just busting his balls, and no scientific riposte to his theories was possible.
“Well, it does a nice job of explaining how those most adapted to survive proliferate, and those that aren’t do not.  Because the weaker characteristics die out, due to inability to procreate, and the stronger ones survive, as they last longer, and therefore procreate more.  But....” explained Spencer
“Go on” Said Darwin, who appeared to have all but forgotten his Mac 10.
“Doesn’t fucking explain altruism does it?” Continued Spencer.  Darwin was worried now.  He’d spent so much time explaining why the fittest get more sex, simply because they survive longer to do so, he’d forgotten to point out how such things as altruism exist.  Altruism doesn’t make an animal any more likely to survive, so how could it have developed?  It should have died out, but sure as eggs is eggs, altruism exists. 
Darwin offered to make Spencer some tea, to buy some time to check the old text books. “Fuck” he thought “I’ve fucking missed it out, haven’t I?”  Even at that early stage, he could tell his book deal was in jeopardy, he’d had the bloody advance and everything.  
He left his Mac 10, only half clean on the table, where he’d started, and walked out to speak to Spencer.
“Yeah, I’m a bit fucking busy now.  Come back in about 20 years” he said.   Spencer agreed to do so.  He didn’t want to, but it was Darwin’s house, so he had to agree.  After all, we’re not bloody animals are we?  We’re Human Beings.

Darwin immediately put his mind to solving the problem.  As time went by, he got more and more frustrated.  The scientific community wanted answers, and he had no answers to give.  One day in a fit of indignation he called them “cocks!!” at the top of his voice.  Which upset his wife immensely, as she hadn’t seen one since 1845.  Then it hit him: cocks!!! Peacocks to be exact.  They had these bloody great big feathers that didn’t help them one bit.  In fact, they had become more susceptible to predators as a result, but they had continued to evolve great big bloody feathers.  It was obvious now.  

This is why:  the big feathers gave the Pea Hens a wide-on.  They went crazy for that shit.  So whenever they spotted a Peacock with big feathers, they had to get it on.  So they had kids that were more likely to have big feathers, who were more likely to procreate and so on.  So Darwin set himself to studying the sexual selections of human females, and you know what?  It turned out that women (throughout the entirety of or history) were more likely to have kids with a man, who was kind and considerate.  Who’d believe that nowadays?  Therefore their children were more likely to have that characteristic, and they were more likely to have children, who thought being nice was cool.

Darwin was well chuffed with this.  He was so chuffed he dedicated 70 pages of his book "The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex", to it. (plus a further 500 on the effect in other animals).  

The day that he figured it out.  He finished cleaning that Mac 10 and waited for Spencer to turn up on the 20 year deadline, which he duly did.  Spencer opened the door to Darwin’s house, only to find the barrel of that Mac 10 pointing at his head. He had just enough time to see Darwin pull the trigger.  “I don’t need no mother fucking literary criticism up in my crib, bitch!” he said.  Then laid that Mac 10 to rest forever, out of respect for Spencer’s scientific insight.

You see, the human race has prided itself on it’s altruistic tendencies for quite some time.  Altruism is the benefiting of others at your own expense.  Now most people will have experienced altruism at some point in their lives, even if only briefly, and even if it only served as a painful reminder of how life could be if things were different.

Many scientists, even the great John Nash, thought they had proved the very existence of it, with laboratory controlled experiments.  These experiments eventually became the symbols of Game Theory.  Which is essentially a study of how people react in situations where the success of their choices depend on the choices of another person.  So let me explain the point of it.  
There is one game which is called “Dictator”.  This is a development of a game (invented by Nash), called “Prisoner’s Dilemma”.  2 people played Dictator.  They both knew the rules.  The rules were always similar to this: player A had x dollars, player B had nothing.  Player A could decide to keep all of the money or share it with player B.  There would be no recourse for player B at all.  Player A could give as much to player B as they wanted.  Player B could do fuck all about it.
Now, the best choice, for player A, is to simply keep all the money.  However, no matter where the game was played, in whatever country they did the experiment, player A nearly always gave money to player B.  The world had it’s proof that Human Beings weren’t all that bad after all.  Yay us. 

Except, There was a guy named John List, also an economist.  He had different ideas on the subject.  He invented tests which changed the dynamic somewhat.  He changed the rules so that player A and player B had, let’s say: $10.  Player A could still do whatever they wanted , and player B could do nothing.  In these circumstances, player A mostly took money from player B.  Around 60% of player A’s took money from B and kept their money.  
List went even further, and did the experiments without the subjects knowing he was doing it.  He did this by asking subjects to offer x money for a baseball card, then asking for the best one they could have for that amount, from the dealers.  He found that most of the dealers would rip off the subject.  

List did those experiments as he became aware that the lab subjects were not being selfless.  They were giving away some of the money, because they thought it made them look good.  When this observing element was removed, altruism seemed to disappear.

It’s not all bad news though.  In one experiment, player A kept their power of choice over player B’s money. However, instead of being given the money, they both had to work to earn it.  Player A would know this. 
In this study, only 28% of player As took any money from player B.  This shows that if A knows that B has come by the money in a way that they deem acceptable, they are more likely to be altruistic, than not.  Although 28% effectively stealing is not a good number.

So what’s my point here?  My point is; science shows that if you feel that you are not being watched, you feel like your actions are justified, and you feel that there is enough distance between you and your victim (emotionally), then you will be more likely to steal from them.  Especially when your victim can do nothing about it.
I’m not one of those nostalgic guys who thinks everything was better in the past, because it simply wasn’t.  
People still did shitty things to each other, however, society dictated that those things were wrong, so people at least tried to hide what they did, so altruism was preserved.

Now imagine a society in which that is not the case.  Imagine a society in which judging others is considered unseemly, selfish behaviour is always defended, and selfless behaviour is attacked as outmoded, or geeky.  Imagine a society in which children are taught that hard work is unnecessary, and material goods are the only important things, and that those who acquired them at all costs are sexually desirable.

What does science tell us will become of us?  It’s more important than what those with a political agenda will tell you.

Does the society I describe above already exist?  I don’t know.  But, whilst writing the above, I did feel compelled to define altruism.

Thursday 25 August 2011

The Beard Reminisces About Film

When I was a tiny Beard child, The Beard Father used to borrow VHS cassettes from a guy he knew at work.  The guy had a huge collection of films, I mean literally huge.  He had so many that he couldn’t watch them all.  So he had a load of films hat he just didn’t know the content of.  
I had a Beard Father who was happy to get the films for me to watch, but did not have any real knowledge of film.  And the last ingredient in this perfect storm of parental responsibility, was The Beard Mother.  Who took advantage of their trancelike effect on me, to leave me alone to do housework.
This made for a good number of interesting visual experiences for The Baby Beard.  I now break these down into their different effects:-

The “Is This Actually a Cartoon?” (ITAC) Effect:-
The Beard Father began by borrowing what he thought were cartoons.  As I was only 4 to 7 at the time, he clearly thought this was a good move.  
The cartoons happened to be Japanese Manga.  It simply blew my mind.  I have no idea which ones I watched, because this was well before the time of Akira (arguably the most famous Manga).  I remember one set in space, one of the villains was prone to executing these bunny things, for no reason, presumably just to enhance his bastard credentials - the bastard.  The hero was a space cadet.  In the end he turned into a baby, and his android companion turned into a human.  This just happened on a beach, I’ve been suspicious of sand ever since. 
There was another one about this boy whose parents were dead, and he was stuck on this planet.  This bird thing tried to eat his brains and he needed a metal skull cap, to stop his brains leaking out, or something.  Eventually, he found some companions, and they escaped to this old dude’s ship.  However, in the end you see the old dude’s got the same skull cap thing.  He’d rescued himself, during some crazy paradox!!!! 

The “Mild Trauma Caused by Lack of Understanding?” (MTCLU) Effect:-
The film most responsible for this would be ET.  I just didn’t get the bit where he died but then came back to life.  I actually saw this at the cinema.  I got through the whole film no problems.  By the time The Beard Family got to the lobby I managed to say “The Alien died” before bursting into tears.  This also happened to me at home, after watching “The E-WOK Adventure” just substitute the word “Alien” for “E-Wok”, and it was exactly the same scenario.  Except my house didn’t have a lobby, and ET didn’t actually die.  It was a different time of the day.  Come to think of it, it’s not that similar at all, but I’m not going back to delete it now.

The “Am I Supposed to be Watching This?” (AISWT) Effect:-
The strength of this effect waxed and waned.  At the beginning I felt like that because there was alot of swearing in the Manga films.  I eventually got used to it, only to be hit by the lightning bolt of Jamie Lee Curtis in “Trading Places”.  If you’ve seen the film, you know what I’m talking about.  I’d simply never seen anything like them in my entire short life.  This also coincided with me discovering the function of the pause button.

The “Emotionally Scarred for Life” (ESL) Effect:-
There are loads of films that fit into this category.  The most significant impact was Aliens.  There’s a scene where the heroes find a young woman, who has an Alien inside her, which eventually bursts out of her chest.  She begs them to kill her, shortly before it does.  I had nightmares for about a week.  I kept picturing loved ones talking to me,  going all green, and exploding aliens bursting out of their chests.  I really, really don’t know how I got to watch it.  
It’s not just limited to that, I also have to give honorary mentions to an execution scene in “Missing In Action” (Chuck Norris B movie), and the killing of “Murphy” scene in “Robocop”.

The “Oh My Fuck, What The Fuck Were You Thinking? You Call Yourself Parents?” (OMFWTFWYTYCYP) Effect:-
One of the very few films that got the better of me as a child: “Day of The Dead”.  I never watched it all the way through.  This is a film about a group of scientists who do experiments on zombies with the help of the military.  The military eventually finds that some of their infected compadres are also being experimented on.  So you can perhaps see how this is not a suitable film for a tiny child.  But I watched it.  What the fuck were they thinking? The synopsis is clearly on the box, as are the faces of several blood thirsty zombies.  I couldn’t even hear the music without having a minor nervous breakdown.  I had to look out of my window, to make sure their were no zombies in the streets before I went to bed, for about 6 months.  It was scarier than the original "Moomins".

It did help me in the end, because I’m dead inside now, so I don’t spend as much time crying over dead E-Woks, which means I have more time for other stuff - like blogging.

Sunday 21 August 2011

Leave it out, Tony

The riots left a bitter taste in my mouth the last few weeks.  Anything that involves people moaning about lack of opportunity, and condoning outright criminality just pisses me off.  I suppose it’s based on the fact that even though I have to work extended hours, in a stressful environment for my money, I’m still expected to pay outrageous levels of taxation to fund the ungrateful.  This week I thought I’d finally come to terms with it.  The apologists, both left and right have come out in their droves (where were they when it was all happening?), bending the facts to promote their own political agenda.  Not because they give two shits about you.  However I was expecting that, so I was braced for impact.  

I had all but turned the corner, except, this morning I put on BBC News to find that Tony Blair was putting in his two pennerth.  All of a sudden my shit was well and truly gripped again.  One day I’m gonna fart and a diamond will come out (tell me it’s disgusting then, ladies).  The crux of my annoyance was his assertion that he hadn’t been able to do anything about the “Me, Me, Me” culture whilst he was in office.  Now for my money, anyone who can’t get something done in 10 years was never going to get it done in the first place.

Anyway, it got me back on to the subject, and set my mind racing against all the ridiculous explanations.  I don’t know if you saw it, but one of the standout pieces for me was the interview with the 4 hoodies opposite Canary Wharf.  
I don’t know why it got my goat so much, but I think it might have been down to the fact that the assertions made by the hoodies were so tamely challenged, and were almost presented as an apology piece.  So now I’m pissed off all over again, I’ve revisited it, and written a few thoughts.  See what you think.

Even read along with the You Tube clip.

Intro: The 4 hoodies are introduced, and described as part of a criminal gang.  There are 4 of them (a gang) and they are about to speak about their commission of criminal offences (criminals then?).  So far so good.  No problems there.  At this point, I was relatively optimistic.  Possibly a cerebral meditation on the ills of society.  I’m excited.

Time: 0120 I’m disappointed.  Green mask tit tells the interviewer that he saw an opportunity and went for it.  He got himself a tracksuit and what he describes as “electronic stuff”.  All my hopes of some spark of intellectual thought are scuppered.  I want to comment more on this, but everything I want to say is summed up in the phrase “electronic stuff”.
Clearly this is not about social injustice, nor racism, educational or economic opportunity, no, it’s about.........stuff.

Time: 0124 OK, now we move onto Red mask tit.  I can see his eyes poking out between hood and mask, like some 18th century highwayman.  I can tell he has something to say.  Maybe he has an actual reason.  An actual bona fide reason? 

He says he’s providing for his family.  OK I’m listening, tell me about it.  Then he brings it back to the same thing.  “I got stuff for my son”  what is it about this stuff?  Why is stuff so important, and where can I get some stuff for myself?  Is it only available during times of disorder?  If so why, and again where?  I must get myself some of this magical stuff.  As I watch I’m convinced now the riots were justifiedI mean, I’m angry I don’t have any stuff.  I can’t have any, because I don’t even know what it is.

Then the killer, bless his little heart, he’s only gone and robbed some stuff for his son. His tiny little son has no stuff?!  I bet it’s those bastard capitalists are to blame.  Them and their damned money.  If only they learned to provide more stuff for us, everything would be better.

Except it turns out to be bollocks.  He didn’t want any of the magical stuff.  He really wanted some clothes and trainers for himself, oh and some powder and Johnson’s products for his son.  I can see by his cute little laugh that he was never serious.  He doesn’t care about stuff.  He only cares about well - material goods.   

I’m glad he put some time aside for some “me time” whilst he was robbing, as a single parent thief, he probably finds it difficult to get out and really do some stealing, whilst the sole carer of his son.  What’s that you say......at 16 years old he’s unlikely to be truly caring for his child, or even have custody?  No, I won’t have it.  Any man who goes out stealing for himself, and remembers he’s a daddy, is alright by me.  After all, if he had abandoned the Johnson’s set, He could have had another PS3.  So don’t go labeling him as selfish, fascist.

The funniest thing in this bit is that he starts to laugh when the interviewer goes for it.  He can’t believe his luck. His eyes nearly pop out of his tiny little head.  He keeps with it, until he forgets.

Time:  0145  so time to explore what the benefits were - So what did you get? Dark mask tit this time: got some HDs, couple of grands worth. Yes I see it now.  This is clearly his comment on society.  Possibly even auto destructive art? or just theft.  Now I think about it, yeah it’s just theft.

Time:  0150 -Not really a point made here, but I include it as I found it amusing.  The interviewer shows his feelings about the guys intelligence level (or possibly shows his own) He asks: “How much is 2 grand to you?”  Well it’s 2 thousand pounds, last time I counted.

Time: 0159 an opportunity to make a point  about the consumerist nature of society goes wanting- the interviewer asks what it means to him.  Is it survival?  Is it another year at university?  Is it food and clothing for his deprived children?  His answer?  It’s “nice for not paying for nothing, innit?” - he clearly has a future in retail.  
At this point, I’m also getting a bit annoyed with the sucking the air in over the teeth thing. Always the sure fire sign of a complete cunt. 

Time: 0225 red mask tit back on the case: he talks about getting a van to help him “provide for his baby” (how big is this child?) He steals enough to necessitate refilling the van.  This really pisses me off, as he goes on to complain about the removal of EMA.  Now in my mind, EMA is to help increase accessibility to education.  In my opinion, if you can get access to a van, in the middle of a riot, and drive around London - why can’t you make it into school?

Time: 0320 we stumble across the real reason for the lads joining the riot: “you’re only one in a thousand people” i.e. you probably ain’t gonna get caught.  For me, clearly demonstrating that the real reason for them joining in was simply because they could.  i.e. the lack of opportunity they usually lament, is the lack of opportunity to steal.  Bastard coppers keeping the little people down.

Time: 0350 another attempt at justification.  It was all payback.  He was raging against the corporate machine.  The very machine that had refused to recognise his value to society and give him a job, even when he had tried to get a really nice pair of trainers to go to the interview in.  What’s the world coming to when a 16 year old father of one, with a poor grasp of the English language and a propensity for criminal behaviour can’t get a job in..........Comet?

Time: 0340 I’ll skip over the bit where they show no remorse for their actions.  It’s clearly not relevant.  Is it?

Time:  0343 red mask tit says he won’t feel bad because he’ll be watching his plasma.  He says it’s like Christmas come early.  Who said a lack of religion was an issue?  Thats that put to bed.

Time: 0357 The cameraman belies his right wing tendencies by surreptitiously filming the lads’ natty threads.  Demonstrating that perhaps they do have a bit of money after all.  Bloody Nazi.

Time: 0408 Much hilarity when red mask tit says he tried to dress as smart as he could for a job interview. “I even begged my mum for a new pair of trainers.”  Magic.  By far the best bit.  except for:-

Time: 0420 He says “(I) talk the politest I can” - I wonder why he didnt get the job.

Time: 0441 “work hard but they not giving us no jobs like.” firstly it’s: “they will not give us a job.”  and secondly, perhaps because you have absolutely no redeeming qualities at all. 

Time: 0449 “we can do what you can do.”  Well you can't, because you can’t get a fucking job can you? and you can’t make a sentence without sounding like a cunt? Oh, and your a fucking thief too.

Time:  0504 “government arent helping noone out but the rich people” - 152 billion of taxpayers money on welfare? I’ll come back to this.  (and it's; isn’t helping anyone)

Time: 0549 and another attempt at justification.  The interviewer asks what should The Government do? Answer: The Government should put back on EMA.  Now does anyone believe, at this point that this guy is going to go to uni, even if he was chauffeur driven everyday to Oxford university, and taught by the reanimated corpse of Sir Isaac Newton himself?  No.  So what the fuck is that about?
He also says:  “help all the single mothers that are struggling”  OK, what’s your baby mother doing whilst you’re out thieving at 16?  Perhaps don’t have a child if you’re not in a financial position to have one?  like the fucking rest of us? And shouldn’t the baby daddy share some responsibility for that?  And exactly how is burning your local economy to the ground going to help her?

Time:  0620 the interviewer: without a hint of irony, says that they got what they wanted today: a voice.  They know it will make it easier to catch them.  
They truly are martyrs for the cause.  

Now the main point I took away is; there is a lack of opportunity for young people in our country, the UK.  It’s the only argument that makes sense.  So before I call it a day, I wanted to have a look at this.  And state why I think that’s just bollocks.

So what they were saying is that lack of opportunity leads to marginilisation.  This eventually leads to resentment and violence.

Now I can see that.  Believe it or not I can understand that regularly seeing people on TV literally covered in gold and diamonds can lead a man to think, how can I get some of that?  And then finding that you cannot achieve any meaningful wealth through any degree of hard work can lead to resentment, and it’s obvious how being in a state of continual resentment can lead to lashing out.  

So the real question is at the very beginning; is there a lack of opportunity?

Well lets chew that over for a second here.  

Net migration is around 240,000 people to the UK, according to the ONS.   So clearly someone thinks there is opportunity in this country, and enough to travel thousands of miles to take it.

The welfare budget is 169.3 billion for this year, rising to 185 billion over the next few years.  Therefore, The Government (the taxpayer i.e. you and me) is providing, what I would describe as, a great big fuckload of help
Especially when you consider that our GDP is at $2.17 trillion, according to The World Bank.  That’s a hefty percentage.

And lets look at that in an even bigger context.  According to the International Monetary Fund, this is bigger than the entire GDP of the following countries:-
Romania, Algeria, Peru, New Zealand, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Kuwait, Qatar, Hungary, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Morocco, Slovakia, Angola, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Ecuador, Croatia, Syria, Oman, Belarus, Luxembourg, Azerbaijan, Dominican Republic, Sri Lanka, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Tunisia, Guatemala, Uruguay, Lebanon, Uzbekistan, Serbia, Lithuania, Burma, Costa Rica, Kenya, Ethiopia, Yemen, Panama, Jordan, Latvia, Cyprus, Tanzania, Cote D’ivoire, Cameroon, El Salvador, Bahrain, Trinidad and Tobago, Estonia, Bolivia, Ghana, Paraguay, Uganda, Afghanistan, Bosnia Herzegovina,  Zambia, Honduras, Nepal, Equatorial Guinea, Iceland, Senegal, Dr Congo, Gabon, Botswana, Brunei, Republic of Congo, Albania, Namibia, Cambodia, Georgia, Mozambique, Macedonia, Mauritius, Mali, Armenia, Papua New Guinea, Burkina Faso, Madagascar, Malta, Chad, The Bahamas, Haiti, Benin, Nicaragua, Laos, Mongolia, Kosovo, Rwanda, Niger, Tajikistan, Zimbabwe, Moldova, Malawi, Kyrgyzstan, Guinea, Barbados, Montenegro, Mauritania, Suriname, Swaziland, Fiji, Togo, Eritrea, Guyana, CAR, Sierra Leone, Lesotho, Cape Verde, Burundi, Maldives, Belize, Bhutan, Djibouti, Antigua and Barbuda, The Gambia, Saint Lucia, Liberia, Seychelles, Guinea Bissau, Vanuatu, Soloman Islands, Grenada, East Timor, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines, St Kitts and Nevis, Comoras, Samoa, Dominica, Tonga, Sao Tome, Principe, Kiribati.

So all in all, quite a fucking bit really.  
Did you notice Malta in there?  They held off the entire Nazi War Machine throughout World War 2.  So I reckon if they can do that on their budget, we can make it to fucking school on ours?

According to the Office for Budgetary Responsibility (OBR) Corporation tax raises 35.8 billion, which equates to more than a fifth of the overall welfare bill.  So it looks like corporations are paying a fair bit too.

And how about the voluntary organisations for young people, for example:  The Prince’s Trust , Youth to Youth , The National Youth Agency , The Family and Parenting Institute , Catch 22 , to mention just a few.  Perhaps try them all before we decide there’s no chance.

Oh and just to point out, the company Comet?  Much derided by Red mask tit for not helping out?  They have a charity arm
They also offer discounts to charities and run a grant system with the government, to help young families with disabled children.  
Fuck me, who would have thought it?  So they actually do help provide opportunities?  I wonder if you have to wear a nice pair of trainers to apply?

This is of course, not to mention the  £80,000 spent on free education, subsidised housing, free medical care, and the same for any children.  

In short, There is no real justification for saying that there is a lack of opportunity.  And if I could do anything with this blog, it would be to make people realise that Government funding and help is taken from us under the threat of prosecution.  
So if you are saying it’s OK to riot if The Government doesn’t give more funding - What you are really saying is: I’m gonna riot, unless The Government forces you to give more money to me.  Which isn’t going to solicit any sympathy from me.

For those of you who disagree, the address for the inland revenue is below, they accept voluntary contributions:-

HM Revenue & Customs
PO Box 1970
L75 1WX

I think they get about £8000 in voluntary contributions every year.  I suppose this means most people think they pay enough.  They are probably right.

Their arguments were simply the repetition of everything that they had heard on TV up to now, from those who would seek to forward their political agendas, at your expense, maybe not?

The most honest reply was from this guy.  He doesn't make much of a point other than, I just wanted to, and the Police probably won't get me.  He tries to blame them for it, but doesn't do much of a job of it.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Stupid thoughts and stuff

I was considering the world at large today, and thought that there are a few myths, and stupid questions, that just don’t make sense.  Several of them have been pushed in my face recently, so I’m gonna kill them all, as follows:-
Q: How do snow plough drivers get to work?  A: They go in their snow ploughs, duh!

Q: Why do they sterilize needles for lethal injections? A: same reason you wash your hands when you haven’t pissed on your fingers - for appearance sake.

Q: Can the government take %20 off the police budget, and still keep the same numbers of police on the street?  A: No - Their biggest cost is wages.....so just no.

Q: If a tree falls in the forest and there’s noone there to hear it, does it make a sound?  A: Yes, of course it does, don’t be fucking stupid.

Q:  Were the riot’s caused by coalition cuts in public spending? A: No.  2014-15 total current public spending UK  forecast to be  £93,700 million higher than last Labour year.  Total additional state  borrowing over 5 Year Coalition led Parliament: £485,000 million.  Additional state borrowing added in March 2011 budget compared to June 2010 budget: £37,000 million over 4 years.

Q: Why are they called stairs inside, but steps outside?  A: because you can only have steps outside.

Q:  Can we lift everyone out of poverty? A: No. The widely accepted definition of poverty is having an income which is less than 60% of the national average.  Therefore the very definition of poverty prevents it.

Q: What do people in China call their good plates? A: it’s still bone China plates.  Bone China’s a product - not a place.

Q: Taxing the rich more will be effective?  A:  No.  According to the IFS (Institute for fiscal studies), a 50p tax rate is counter productive, and should never have been more than 40p.  Otherwise the revenue falls accordingly.

Q: Why is it that when someone tells you that there's billions of stars in the universe, you believe them. But if they tell you there's wet paint somewhere you have to touch it?  A: because stars are really fucking hot.

Q:  Was poverty at the root of the riots? A: I’ll pretend I didn’t see all the designer tracksuits running around with HD ready TVs in their arms, then.

Q: Why does Goofy stand erect while Pluto remains on all fours?  A: because it wouldn’t be “goofy” if he didn’t (think it through).

Q:  Should action be taken to close the gap between rich and poor. A: only if it’s actually beneficial to all.  For example, infant mortality rate for the well off is at 3 per capita, for the less well off; 6. So twice as good to be in the “well off” bracket.  If infant mortality rates improved by 1 overall, this would be a ratio of 2:5.  Both sides would be better off, but the gap has widened, statistically.  It’s not good shortening the gap, if we all end up worse off.

Q: What colour would a smurf turn if you choked it? A: it’s still blue. It’s still fucking blue, there are loads of different shades of blue, so its still blue. And also.....they ain’t real so you can’t choke them at all.

Q: Why does everything taste like chicken? A: it doesn’t. You either imagined it, or you are just eating chicken.

Shit, I seemed to have strayed back onto the riots thing again, and I thought I’d got over it.

Sunday 14 August 2011

Sky Divers - The Symbol of Over Entitlement

When I was young, so much younger than today...... I was 5.  
Salt and vinegar savoury snacks were all the rage back then, and the cream of the crop was: Sky Divers.  They were shaped like tiny little men, and were packaged in a light blue bag, in an effort to imbue them with some vague link to the sky, and diving from it (I was 5 and it worked on me).
Now I think of it, Sky Divers was still a stupid name, because they bore no relation to actual Sky Divers, other than their crispy humanoid form.  

I had the raging food horn for Sky Divers, at the time, because they combined the 2 things I loved most in the world:
1.) Poor, but tasty, dietary choices 
2.) Novelty shapes.

The Beard Mother, never bought Sky Divers separately.  She only ever bought them in a multi / variety pack of 6.  Therefore, there were 4 other shit packets of crisps that no self respecting 5 year old would be caught dead with.  Not whilst Sky Divers were available.  Other 5 year olds, that did not eat Sky Divers, were as bad as Hitler in my infant eyes.  And I would make sure I let them know it.  So you can see it was important for young boys, in my demographic, to possess them and feel that they were a part of their everyday life.

One morning my childhood nemesis, and part time best friend, was at my house.  We were just about to go out and play, when I spied The Beard Mother preparing to give us both a packet of crisps.  Deep joy.  But, to my horror, I could see that she only had only one packet of Sky Divers.  The other hand, the hand suspiciously close to my body, was holding........ Chip Stix.  Ready fucking salted....... Chip Stix.  The savoury snack equivalent of a bowl of wank.  
I knew there were no other Sky Divers, as I had happily knocked the shit out of the only other packet, that very same morning.
Eventually the inevitable happened, and my nemesis was given The Sky Divers.  

I know many of you may think that this doesn’t sound that bad, maybe not.....but when Sky Divers were available?????  it’s like being handed Pamela Anderson’s breast, only to have it snatched away and replaced with Simon Cowell’s saggy, hairy, man tit.  

As far as I was concerned I had been betrayed by my own mother.  At the age of 5, I had never suffered such feelings of rejection, and hatred.  As we walked out through my garage, and into the front yard, I clutched my Battle Damage He-Man, so tightly, my knuckles lost all feeling in them for a week.  My mind was swimming in bitterness.  The desire for retribution had consumed my tiny soul, leaving me an empty, bitter, husk of a rug rat.

At this point, I noticed that my nemesis and I were alone.  My newly twisted evil mind quickly realised it’s good fortune.  My nemesis and I had tested each other in physical combat many times, and I had been victorious on each, and every, occasion.  
I took the opportunity to apply some game theory to the circumstances.  I could simply take the Sky Divers from him, and he could do nothing to prevent it.  I might have incurred some minor injury, but this would soon be forgotten, as I consumed the sweet, delicious, Sky Divers - ambrosia of the gods.  And, as a last resort, the pointy arms of Battle Damage He-Man, would make and excellent weapon.

Or, I could simply accept my fate and munch the shit, but equally nutritious, Chip Stix.  

Clearly the criminal idea was the one choice that was immediately beneficial, and if there is one thing a 5 year old suffers it’s Instant Gratification Syndrome.  I decided to go for it.
With one deft movement, I snatched the Sky Divers from his grasp and took them into my own possession.  As I had recently started Ju - Jitsu lessons, I summoned all of my two Wednesday nights worth of knowledge, and braced my self for his attack.  I knew I was going to get some lumps.  He was somewhat smaller than me, but had the advantage of being bat-shit crazy when he wanted to be.  Except, nothing happened.  He simply looked down at his lonely, empty, hand, burst into tears, then ran away home.

I was quite surprised.  At first I couldn’t believe my luck.  I now had 2 packets of novelty, savoury treats, and no injuries.  The Beard Mother would not find out, because my nemesis had left, and I had all day to consume the evidence.  All in all, a cheeky little result.
Soon the drunken thrill of victory wore off, I came to realise that I now had noone to play with, and would be unlikely to do so for quite some time (possibly a whole day).
I began to think about The Beard Mother, and the amount of work she had to do, to earn the money to buy the Sky Divers in the first place (quite early for a five year old, I know, but she never shut the fuck up about it).  
I realised that she owned the Sky divers, not me, and should have been able to give them to anyone she liked.  It’s not like I didn’t get anything, it just wasn’t exactly what I wanted to have.  
When it all dawned on me, I couldn’t eat the crisps, I just threw the Sky Divers on the floor and cried.  I walked off to The Beard Den, and cried even more.  I cried so much I forgot to take the Sky Divers, and so they were lost.  To the sands of time.

You see my friends, eventually the Sky Divers would be gone.  Sure, some of their masticated remnants would get jammed into the gaps in my teeth, but eventually even that would be gone too.  My shame would last forever.  Even now, I feel embarassed that it happened at all.  My nemesis would probably forget the actual memory, but his mind would retain some element of mistrust for me, and he probably always kept a tighter grip on his stuff when I was around.

So, essentially, the moral of the story is, not getting what you want, does not entitle you to act like a little cunt.  If you think that it does, then you simply are a cunt, and don’t be surprised if you start to sprout, short, thick, unsighlty black hairs and smell of fish.

P.s.  I really want the moral to fit into a contemporary incident.  But I can’t really think of one.  I was going to go with the recent riots, but that’s got something to do with lack of opportunities or something, so it can’t be that.